6:15 PM: Doors Open & Family Check In
6:30 PM: Large Group Meeting
After Large Group: Men’s & Women’s Open Share Groups
Followed by
Fellowship in our Cross Talk Cafe
This week say YES to Change! We know that God doesn’t waste a hurt and through
working the steps we learn that we can be used again to serve others as Jesus Christ did.
Join us this Thursday as Gregg leads us through the YES lesson.
Large Group: 6:30 PM
Doors Open: 6:15 PM
View our Open Share Small Groups
Please join us for fellowship after small groups! This is a great time to meet others and build your accountability team.
Please bring a snack to share
We've got hoodies, long sleeve and Hats!
How about a bible, devotional, journal & stickers......we have those too! See a leader to purchase!
For 19+ years we have continued to be a self-supporting Ministry because of your Faithful Giving!
Your giving has allowed us to pour back into this Ministry through; supporting strong leadership, seeking constant improvement with continued monthly & annual trainings, suppling Large & Small Group materials. Also, Desserts & Food for Chip Nights, Potlucks & CR Social Events.